Every time i trek i see new things and learn new things from mother nature..... i love the freedom i get in the open world away from everyone and living to myself.... We planned to go to Kemmanugundi.....for a weekend trek... and we planned to leave on 6th april 2007 .... lots of things were heard before the trek that its the most odd season to trek in kemmannugundi and we would be roasted by the hot sun....lots were wrong about these words.....this time we were a team of 23 members few nem members to our group....its always great for me to meet and know more and more new people.....as usual i was on time..... in fact 15 minutes early...at vijaynagar bustop so thought of going for a small walk around the market...looking at men moving around like ants....felt a bit bad looking at how things are changing...in the society...felt we are loosing the great culture we had and everything is been seen through money..... 

We started for one great trip at around 10pm....not many were in a mood to enjoy...so many of them slept of immediately....i toooooo went to last seat and slept for some time.... the fun began from morning.... we were around 30kms away from kemmanugundi and we were suppose to travel through the ghat sections... myself, chandru, gilli,sripad and vijay sat on top of the bus few knew about this.... it was a great moment to sit on top of the bus and move through the curves feeling the cool breeze....watching the beautiful coffee estates all around... this was an experince i would cherish..... sitting on a open top and travelling feeling the air around me....

Around 7 we reached the rose gardens, had our breakfast and a small photo session and then we started to move towards our trek point to visit hebbe falls... i had never seen hebbe before....neither i had a look at it in google wanted to see it for the first time so that i dont miss the fun of surprise.... we reached the start point at aroun 8 and started getting ready for the 6km oneside trek... good thing was the weather was very pleasent ....lots of clouds all around it was a great surprise for us since it was april.... wat a luck to start our trek...

Once in the world of trees i was lost in my world....feeling the clouds passing me... the smell of the wet mud because of the morning moisture... everything was pleasing my minds.... faar away from the human world..... the green leaves of trees which is hard to find in bangalore until it rains.... could also see lots of trees thats been cut by the humans....walking along was great fun in the woods.... we did pass trough few coffee estates...saw the coffee flower for the first time and also felt the pleasent smell of the coffee flower it was some wat similar to a jasmine flower... We can also prefer to come along a long way by jeep but we prefered to walk all along.... we did get small mangoes on the way and tasted the same it was great....i could see tall trees and could also hear lots of monkey shouting but only could see few of them looked like they were very safe of top of those huge trees.... the last few kms of the trek was very steep and looks like this is were i hurt myself for the first time after soooo many treks.... donot know wat happend to me....but my left leg knee started paining a bit.... something like a muscle tear....
We started for one great trip at around 10pm....not many were in a mood to enjoy...so many of them slept of immediately....i toooooo went to last seat and slept for some time.... the fun began from morning.... we were around 30kms away from kemmanugundi and we were suppose to travel through the ghat sections... myself, chandru, gilli,sripad and vijay sat on top of the bus few knew about this.... it was a great moment to sit on top of the bus and move through the curves feeling the cool breeze....watching the beautiful coffee estates all around... this was an experince i would cherish..... sitting on a open top and travelling feeling the air around me....
Around 7 we reached the rose gardens, had our breakfast and a small photo session and then we started to move towards our trek point to visit hebbe falls... i had never seen hebbe before....neither i had a look at it in google wanted to see it for the first time so that i dont miss the fun of surprise.... we reached the start point at aroun 8 and started getting ready for the 6km oneside trek... good thing was the weather was very pleasent ....lots of clouds all around it was a great surprise for us since it was april.... wat a luck to start our trek...
Once in the world of trees i was lost in my world....feeling the clouds passing me... the smell of the wet mud because of the morning moisture... everything was pleasing my minds.... faar away from the human world..... the green leaves of trees which is hard to find in bangalore until it rains.... could also see lots of trees thats been cut by the humans....walking along was great fun in the woods.... we did pass trough few coffee estates...saw the coffee flower for the first time and also felt the pleasent smell of the coffee flower it was some wat similar to a jasmine flower... We can also prefer to come along a long way by jeep but we prefered to walk all along.... we did get small mangoes on the way and tasted the same it was great....i could see tall trees and could also hear lots of monkey shouting but only could see few of them looked like they were very safe of top of those huge trees.... the last few kms of the trek was very steep and looks like this is were i hurt myself for the first time after soooo many treks.... donot know wat happend to me....but my left leg knee started paining a bit.... something like a muscle tear....

On the way we need to pass through a small stream and the risk part was that, the rocks below were very slippery and kusuma did slip and got a kiss on her head from the rock.... for that moment instantly we could see a bubble on her head but the side effects we are still seeing even after 15 days heehhehehe...
My first view of hebbe was amazing...it was a big falls.......well i never expected it to be so big...it was big and also the best thing was the water was not very steep so u can get into water......... its always an amazing feeling to find a falls in between the woods and have a bath under it ....great moments i took some snaps from various angle of the falls...then i couldnot resist myself and moved towards the falls slowly... the water was very cold and also.....the rocks were very slippery its a bit dangerous to go towards the falls as the rocks are very slippery and the force of water may thrown u down rashly and you might hurt urself badly.....i creeped on the rocks lying down slowly to move towards the falls....at the end i was in a position to sit below the water an amzaing moment.....the water was flowing all over me the cold water....would bang your head and flow over you... closed my eyes to feel the same.....the silence...the sound of water....and the green all around.....all of a sudden hebbe has become one of my favrouite falls as this has allowed me to come into it..... we played in the water for some time and then started moving towards the vechile back again.....
I could see everyone exhausted after getting out of water....we thought of breaking the treck to have food....well as expected the pick of this group lakshmi all alone ate around 9 chapatis when a normal man can have around 4-5 thats when he got the name ..... "Bakasurana 9 neee avatara" hahahaha....
After lunch we started moving towards the vehicle again and the few meters were really tough as the sun had come out completely and it was very steep also....every step looked difficult.... at last we reached our vehicles and then i dont know wat happend for another 2-3hrs i was dead.....
I woke up at around 4-4.30 ,we had plans of going to the sunset point...Z-point and we started again to walk.....This is were i asked gilli about a different path we could see some people going along and decided to go along the difficult path but this was worth.......we reached some X-point after around 20-30min trek... One of the best trek i had even undertaken was from this X-point to Z-point...it had its reasons both sides of the narrow path we could see the furious depth not at all good if u have a fear for heights....the breeze which gave a feeling like it will take you along with you....and the worst thing was my left leg....it was becoming worst and i was loosing the trust on my left leg and i was scared to trust the same.... it was amazing walk on the narrow path....We reached Z point and sat there i got lost in the sun, watching him going down ....end of day for him....day after day he does this job without any change......strange to understand the concepts of nature.....
After coming back to the vehicle our plan was to reach Sandy's farm house.... we reached around 8 and best thing was everything was well arranged the food was very good and everyone was very hungry......and after food no one new until morning what happend....
I got up early and in the early nights dissapeared in the arracnut and bannana plantations for my morning duties.....but it was fun to watch chandra chase lakshmi with his camera hahahahahaha..... i hope no one ventures into the plantations for atleast another 3-4 days......We could hear from a local boy after breakfast that a elephant had visited the farm house probably last night as he had seen elephant dung ....then we had to convince him that we had seen lakshmi going tat side hahahahahaha......
After a wonderful breakfast we started going towards the kemmannugundi mines but at that point we could see that we had to walk around 4kms for that and that day we were not lucky enough and the sun had come out in full flow and also the path is very dusty and hence we had to give up the idea and started moving towards kalhattagiri falls.....
At the first glance of the Kalhattgiri falls i was very disturbed it was destroyed by the overflow of people there is temple over here and the people pour in from various places and have spoiled the beauty of this place....we treked a bit towards inward along the direction of the forest and then we could find some place where in we could feel ourself away from the humans.... we got ourselves into the water... and played for some time.....
One of the worst thing about this place is there are very few good places left and i c people venture into the same spoil the beauty of the same.... throwing plastics, liquor bottels, wasted food into the water how sad.... some of the places were so bad that i couldnot even think of getting into the water there..... and a bit below the same water was drunk as sacred water.....pooor stuff......well our group has a good motto that we dont throw any of the plastics inside these woods..... the worst part is people take drinks and then throw the bottel into the water never even think that the glass might cut the body of people who get into water....and one more bad thing is the government have not even kept a single dustbin in these places......
After kalhatgiri falls we stoped at a dhaba had food and started our journey back to bangalore....this is real fun as we had the urdu news from.... bhanu...and the autobiography of lakshmi's childhood in his own words....hahahaha amazing stories..... and full flow dance of the entire team....adding to the fun was vicky's american accent kannada hahahhaa....
End of one more meaning full trek.....all thanx to Sandy... i have not met him but it was amazing to see a person who could help to this extent of serving 23 people even though he was not part of the trek and also not wishing anything back i mean even for the food....something rare to see .....well i am publishing this doc today and its his marriage.... i wish him all the sucess for him future life...thanx sandy....
1 comment:
Great read thankyou
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