Its October 2... gandhi jayanti.... a holiday in remembrance of Mohandas KaramChand Gandhi.... few days back i read about gandhi... its not like i don't know about him.... it was more like why and how he thought.... i studied because right from my childhood i had seen lots of people who didn't like gandhi... hardly i have seen people who liked his ideas, so was thinking how he was such a big personality in the independence struggle....and still no one likes him to this day....

His ideas were hard to be digested or understood by young with hot blood.... Initially i used to think what a stupid concept he had..... why do we need to talk about peace with people who hurt you..... but later felt like implementing gandhi's ideology is not that simple its the most difficult thing on earth.... and something which has to come from heart....its more of a mind game.... killing you mentally..... many do argue with me saying gandhi's ideas were that of a coward..... i just laugh at them......
Well in the current world his ideas will not work always...... but yes this is a very strong way of representing yourself.... its very hard to control your anger..... you know your enemy is going to attack you....but still you need to take the attack without defending.....this whole idea itself totally against the nature...... and mentally u need to be very strong..... his main idea was i was brought to earth by god and i have the right to leave myself without being controlled by others....
Well one more thing is gandhi was more of a saint whoz intention was not freedom rather it was beyond people to think.... his idea was "vasudeva kutumbakam"....all are kids of god....lets remove the concept of country and boundaries..... yes a very difficult ideology to think and implement in the greedy world but what a beautiful concept..... which could wipe off the bloodshed.....but it was unfortunate his ideas were used by politicians in a different way.....
It requires a good understanding of gandhi's ideology to feel gandhi...

His ideas were hard to be digested or understood by young with hot blood.... Initially i used to think what a stupid concept he had..... why do we need to talk about peace with people who hurt you..... but later felt like implementing gandhi's ideology is not that simple its the most difficult thing on earth.... and something which has to come from heart....its more of a mind game.... killing you mentally..... many do argue with me saying gandhi's ideas were that of a coward..... i just laugh at them......
Well in the current world his ideas will not work always...... but yes this is a very strong way of representing yourself.... its very hard to control your anger..... you know your enemy is going to attack you....but still you need to take the attack without defending.....this whole idea itself totally against the nature...... and mentally u need to be very strong..... his main idea was i was brought to earth by god and i have the right to leave myself without being controlled by others....
Well one more thing is gandhi was more of a saint whoz intention was not freedom rather it was beyond people to think.... his idea was "vasudeva kutumbakam"....all are kids of god....lets remove the concept of country and boundaries..... yes a very difficult ideology to think and implement in the greedy world but what a beautiful concept..... which could wipe off the bloodshed.....but it was unfortunate his ideas were used by politicians in a different way.....
It requires a good understanding of gandhi's ideology to feel gandhi...
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