Saturday, December 20, 2008
College Days
Posted by
poorna prajna
6:00 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Posted by
poorna prajna
8:14 AM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Posted by
poorna prajna
9:19 PM
Friday, October 31, 2008
Kodachadri Camping
Posted by
poorna prajna
10:13 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Reader in me
- Attitude may not let you progress fast, but after a certain period in life its required.
- Some people talk freely about their feelings and hence forget fast too.
- No one can solve your problem, you have to do it yourself.
- In India people are usually enthusiastic about building temples,mosques and gurudwaras, but no one thinks it is important to build something as essential as a toilet. Perhaps because there is no punya attached to it.
- Money is one thing which rarely unites and mostly divides people.
- Earth is full of mud and dust, if you want to keep your feet clean in this world there are only two solutions, either cover the entire earth or wear a pair of sandals.
- I was born with relatives, but at least i can choose my friends.
- Anything given away for free looses its value and is not treated with the respect it deserves.
Posted by
poorna prajna
12:08 PM
Friday, October 03, 2008
No Smoking
Its 2 days since smoking in public places is banned. All of a sudden my observations had sharpened, all along the way I have started observing people and to my horror I do see hundreds of people all along smoking in buses, small tea stalls, auto, bike and the list continues..
At times I feel like my country is lead by one bunch of fools on earth. We have all the rules on book but hardly, we have seen anything in action. When I heard this ban first thing that came to mind was how this is going to be implemented? Today I can see hundreds of constables with a stick in one hand, hardly they look like they can fine anyone its only if a inspector is present he has some receipt to fine the person who break the law. So with this kind of infrastructure who is going to fine the people who smoke in public? What will be the billing process? At times I feel like these useful yet useless laws are only made to harass people more than helping the people. The direct impact of this would be smokers getting harassed and bribing the officers rather than a proper solution.
Creating a new rule is not the need, rather to what extent we can implement is the need of the hour.
Regarding the rule I had a misunderstanding that its been banned every where and when I spoke to others even they had the same view however its banned only in public places like in all government or private buildings and public places like libraries, cafes, restaurants, schools, pubs or discos, stadiums, airports, hospitals, bus stands, railway stations, police stations, courts, auditoriums or cinemas. Smokers can light up by the roadside or in their homes. But the strange thing was smokers can smoke in parks and beaches J well I guessed in a chocked city like
I would not be surprised if any smoker is even worried with this kind off laws, as today I saw it openly were in I saw at least 30- 40 smokers on my way back to home smoking without any fear in public.
Posted by
poorna prajna
8:08 AM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day Dream
Posted by
poorna prajna
5:32 AM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Bike Service
Posted by
poorna prajna
4:48 AM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Jog Falls 2008
Its the moment I enjoy driving here ...
Posted by
poorna prajna
10:45 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
61 years of Independence
Few section of people who think we live in the best part of the world with a false pride, few section of people who think we are in pathetic state and have run away from their responsibilities and have settled happily abroad and the rest who are busy ripping across length and breadth of the country for their own materialistic gains.
I wonder many a times what we have achieved today did it really needed 61 years? I was having a thought when a government can construct road along the complete county in 4 years why does it take 3 years to complete an underpass in the city? This is one major problem we are facing today high levels of corruption but is any one bothered about this?
61 years and we have lost the social values we had in this country. Today we are nothing but bunch of copycats who have lost their identity caught between different cultures. Do we really have something in us which we should be really proud off today? Our education system is going from bad to worse. Some how i always feel education will be of use only when you know how to implement the knowledge you have gained, however at times i feel we are following mostly a system of creating monolithic robots rather than intellectuals.
61 years and i see and we are proud off it but today my national flag been brought down,burnt and a Pakistani flag hoisted in the heart of the city . Today we are in lack of bold leaders who are strong enough to decide what they want and who have a vision for my country.
61 years and I see our prime minister speak about global warming in the independence day speech, was this the need ? are we really independent? Terrorists are able to strike at will in any corner of the country, we are not able to stop infiltration along the porous borders we are not safe in our own country then why should we be proud off?
61 years after independence and many a times i still feel rest of the world treats this country as men of slaves and a country of poor. We haven't been able to improve this image in 61 long years. We only boost of our great values of past but when it comes to either implementation or the current situation we see the helpless faces.
61 years we still celebrate Gandhi's B'day but never a day we thought of implementing or understanding his ideologies. We speak of peace with terrorists (probably even Gandhi wouldn't have liked this option) who have dared enough to come to our house and kill innocent civilians.
At the end i liked a line from a newspaper " A dream is not the one which you see when you close your eyes, A dream is one which doesn't allow you to close your eyes until you see it realize". Probably we need more people with such great thoughts to lead this country. People who are constantly worried about what we are today. People who have a vision to see ahead of others. People who can command.
I wish my country men to realize the real value of independence :-). After 61 it would be 62 but what we have done between this has to be known and realized.
Posted by
poorna prajna
7:14 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008

After coming back from jogi gundi it started to rain very heavily and the visibility was very poor, we had already decided not to stay in dodda mane as it was next to road and we wanted to stay somewhere inside the forest, Boka told that he had a relative at a near by place called Vagale on the way to koppa from agumbe probably around 20 - 25kms from agumbe and we started to drive towards Vagale. It was a beautiful place in the middle of the forest and on the banks of tunga river :-).

Team :
Gilli,Boka,Pada,Loki and Poorna
Funny moments :
Hande at Dodda mane, Dudda li tea.
Travel Details:
Bangalore - Tumkur - Shimoga - Agumbe - Vagale(Near Koppa) - Chickmangalore - Hassan - Bangalore (Drive of around 1000kms)
Contact of Dodda mane at Agumbe to stay : Kasturi Akka ( 08181- 233075).
Posted by
poorna prajna
10:54 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I sat alone the breeze was strong... it rained very heavily.. my friends kept buzzing me on my mobile but i was lost... did not understand what i was trying to understand sitting here... i didn't understand anything other than the physical presence of the body... was feeling cold.. felt very lonely... but my mind kept telling me how can you be so lonely with so many wonderful friends along side you.. and you look so happy in your day to day life... yes i am like that full of happiness all around me... but then felt like am I trying to run away from myself? Everything looked like a puzzle where in i was not able to understand the problem itself :-(
Felt like i was a very happy man... but it took some time to understand that happiness was in the form of sand in my hand... never understood when it slipped... i always wonder why is that i can never visualize what is next, is it that the entire world leaves in sort of a lost world?
Its raining very heavily... i am drenched in rain and feeling really cold and my body is shivering ... felt just need some help...
well probably few thought i never understood the actions and i was dumb... but i felt there was a feeling which i kept to myself hoping not to hurt others... saw a beautiful end but yet another beginning....
I walked alone, one hand did stop me... i felt it was with me... but everything looked soo virtual.. yet soo real..
Posted by
poorna prajna
8:46 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Rules are only for those who follow..
I was in good speed and couldn't break immediately at the signal.. i was stopped by the policemen
Police men : Why did u cross the line, cant you see its red?
Me : Where is the line here?
Police men : Its understood that you shouldn't cross beyond this..., give me your driving licence and other documents.
Me : Take this.. but sir when there is no line how can u expect me to stop at such speed i would have fallen down from my bike .. neither i have jumped the signal
Police men: Give me 100Rs.
Me : Give me the bill if you think i have broken law.
Police men: (Goes to his bike, gets the latest gizmo black berry and pulls out a bill for 100Rs )
Me : I don't agree to you sir that i have broken any rules, this is unfair.
Police men : Here is your bill. Pay it... and sign here..
Me: (Before signing i wrote in the bill - "I don't agree that i have broken any law, this is unfair" and signed)
Police men : Do you think you have done something great writing like this?
Me : No but at least i am happy that i have protested against you in my own ways. However i know that i am not going to get anything out of it. I also know that, it neither matters you or the government.
Police men : I might have to answer my seniors for what you have written.
Me : Thats your problem.
Felt bad that every day probably only people who follow law gets caught by these men in uniform. I see hundreds of people breaking signal everyday and i have never seen police catching them. If it is law then even overtaking from left is breaking of law.. but do we really follow such rules?Probably we cannot because we don't have an infrastructure to follow these rules, however we have police men who wanna fine you when ever they feel like rather than catching every person who breaks law :-)
I am not saying either i was right or the policemen was wrong. But what i am trying to say is.. only people who are at least trying to follow the laws gets penalized ... as they are the easy victims :-)
Posted by
poorna prajna
9:56 PM
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Here i have fallen down.. i lift my head to see for help.. i see few faces with advice, few faces who curse me, few faces who smile.. and few faces with lost hope ..I see it coming.. never wanted to see it... now i stand to face it.. i am in the middle of a road completely drenched in rain.. wat next?
I didn't understand what i am doing? But i was right, that i was wrong... people whom i wished would help pulled their hands back in the time of need... i understand i am standing alone drenched in rain :-( i understand this is the beginning :-(
But my spirits want me to get up and walk...
Posted by
poorna prajna
8:04 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hero Pen
Now i wonder Rs.25 was so valued during the period that i had to receive so much of beating from my father that day... i remember having been beaten so much for demanding the pen immediately... i wounder even though i was used to get beaten every now and then certain moments always remains in your mind as a child.. I remember at that moment probably i never understood the situation and i was in my own world.. dreaming for the pen.. and the beating had shattered my desires...
Well my father did understand my feelings probably he had brought me a new hero pen the next day.. well well this was valued treasure for me :-) i was very happy and this pen was my lucky pen till my 12th.. i wrote every test, every exam, every notes with this pen :-) . As a child i was so much attached to the pen that i used to think i would do badly in my exams if i don't use this pen. Probably now i would be laughing at my belief of childhood :-)
I tried to search this pen yesterday and i didn't get it :-( i wondered, have i lost the feel i had in my childhood? Probably i have lost the value of a hero pen which was just Rs.25 but can i ever forgot the incident i was attached to, with the pen?
Posted by
poorna prajna
11:23 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
What should i have done?
If i had given money probably i would have encouraged him for begging..and more over the fact is many a times the money we give is always snatched by their parents.. so i never encouraged giving money...
Should have asked him to earn his food? probably that would not be worth either... as i would be encouraging child labor in that case..
Could we have given some food to this kid? Many a times i had seen these kids are not that very fascinated of our food.Until they are really hungry..What actually matters to them is money!!
Well i don't know what i could have done, nothing struck to my mind at that point and i came back home... but one thing did strike to my mind that i did over eat a bit and probably i could have avoided it and probably it could have reached a hungry child's stomach :-(
Felt hunger is really very bad..
Posted by
poorna prajna
12:04 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Vote !! Does it matter?
I was very dejected when the news read bangalore urban recorded the lowest turnout for the first phase of assembly elections only 44% franchised their vote . Also read an interesting article like neither the rich nor the middle class get affected by the outcome of the elections.Its always the poor who are interested in the elections and the promises made by the respective political parties..
I felt very bad meeting friends in my own office at least 7 of them, so called well educated people who had been cribbing all these days regarding the infrastructure, blaming governments for every opportunity they were given to speak :-) and when it mattered the most they just couldn't do what was required the most. Well felt like these are the kind of people who just speak without any idea of their actions... neither they are worth... Well what worse was the excuses you get to hear... Felt like these people have lost the right to speak about either of the government or any other issues in karnataka for at least 5 years from now :-). These are the people who wanna stay at this place, wanna use all the benefits of this place and just scrap it when its a mess...
Voting was a legitimate right of citizen who believes in democracy, a person who doesn't vote doesn't have the right to speak about the issues coming out of the democratic system...
Well hats off to the election commissioner for his outstanding work during the current election process were in there was no huge cutouts, no proxy votes and had seen very little corruption... amazing work... the least thing that was expected from educated people was to come out and vote... At least i hope to see better outcome for the 2nd and 3rd phase of elections.
Posted by
poorna prajna
7:09 AM
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Posted by
poorna prajna
5:11 AM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
God and his follower's belief..
we preach god never differentiates rich and poor but we have every temple on earth has special darshan for the VIPs and the rich :-)
we preach god exists everywhere and we waste our time and energy visiting temples...
we give donations to god who never needs it, on the contrary never even think to help a person in need.
We say everything is under his control.. give all the credits to god for every good thing in your life :-) however at bad times i have never seen anyone blaming the god :-) strange are our ways...
We are never happy with what you are or what we are and henceforth it always looks like we bribe the god for our own benefits :-)
With all these in mind... where does the word "Bhakti" (Faith) stands?
We have incorporated the concept of follow... every person who has come out to validate, has been leading a set of followers :-) thats the truth...
Posted by
poorna prajna
7:19 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Treasured Forests
Things were lot more different from here, we were driving through lot more beautiful lands and lot more lesser traffic.. we reached HD Kote at around 10am. From here we decided to move towards gundre forest range near N.Beguru.. From here in order to get inside the forest we need to have permission from the forest office. One thing for shure its very difficult to get persmission from the forest department, we should get the permission from the forest department in bangalore near IISC. However my experience is you will not get permission that easily if you donot know anyone in the forest office.
With the help of some locals we did manage to get permission to get inside the forest, however we had an issue since an officer was visiting the place we just had around 2hr for the safari however later we managed to convince them that we can come back by around 5pm. So after a good lunch for 80rs for 5 people we went ahead with our forest ranger in a jeep inside the forest...
Its an amazing place to watch for the wildlife in the evening coming in 100s to the back waters of river kabini, the possibility of finding animals is very high during the summer.... however since we had to go back before 6 we didnot get the oppurtunity to wait and enjoy the scenic beauty over here....
Posted by
poorna prajna
4:34 AM